writing 600 words to be edgy for no reason (WW)

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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writing 600 words to be edgy for no reason (WW)
POSTED ON Jan 17, 2022 8:02:43 GMT
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Show up at the cave? Of course Temp showed up at the cave! After getting such a smug letter in reply to his very heartfelt one, he wanted nothing more than to punch whoever this 'Father Winter' guy was in the face.

He was in a foul mood anyway cause of his little tiff with still. Feelings had mostly cooled down on his part but it still left him upset to think about too long. Temp wanted a fight. Which is why he sneaked out to this place on his own, not even telling his boyfriend whom he loved very much where he was going.

... or so he thought, since he saw just outside. Looks like he had a partner?

At least his current, scary face would keep those Ruin Maniacs away.

When they finally come upon 'Father Winter', Temp eyes the Unown D more so than the man himself. It makes him feel sick. Those things had tried to kill people at the ball not that long ago.

While Mint is probably be thirsty next to him, Temp just grits his teeth and clenches his fists at his side. "Unactionable fluff"? What the fuck did that mean?

"You're a dick. Don't spit on people's wants just because you can't grab them, asshole." To Temp, there was much more to life than things. Things would never complete you like connections and bonds. Who was this guy to think he had a right to look down on that?

The black portal as well as Mint himself gives Temp pause. He doesn't want to ruin this for Mint, who maybe wanted something other that to black this guy's eye. And that portal... if he explored it, made himself more useful, would it make Gavin feel better? About everything? About being less disposable?

The only problem is that Temp doesn't want things. He's a seeker of feelings, of experiences, of desires. Things like money could only go so far. What was the point of having everything you wanted without love? Without friends and comfort? It was all empty. Honestly, Temp was a terrible pick for this event, Shiv, what the fuck. This is too hard.

He steps forward.

"Give me power." It feels hollow even as he says it, since it's not what he really wants. So, he clarifies. "Give me something I can use to protect everyone I care about. Something like... like the weird pink pokemon that healed me on Mt. Pyre, or that Luxray that almost killed me. Something that people fear when they see it like they do Lugia! I don't care what it is. If I have something that can do that, I can keep them all safe!"

At some point his voice rose, and Temp chokes on the last word, pants out a breath. He was too worked up over this... stupidity. Even if it's hard this post was really nice to write since I haven't gotten to post in a while. Really worked some of my creative juices up.


tldr since i got lost in the sauce for literally 0 reason

- temp wants to punch father winter
- goes in with mint and is in a pissy mood
- requests something powerful he can use to protect everyone
- the 'weird pink pokemon that healed him' is talking about Cresselia during his Excursion since he was in the Cresselia one
- time to be edgy for no reason at 3 am fuck yeah
- calls tails

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writing 600 words to be edgy for no reason (WW)
POSTED ON Jan 19, 2022 4:25:09 GMT
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He’d followed along happily with Temp at the offer to venture to see Father Winter together, but as they got deeper and deeper into the cave, he could tell that Temp was getting angrier and angrier. Before he could really ask him what his deal was, they made it to the meeting place. Mint’s eyes are on the strange cave drawings of Primal Kyogre and Groudon before they land squarely on ‘Father Winter’. “Daddy?!” he squeaked, immediately in a way he was sure would have made proud.

Father Winter is…rough around the edges, but Mint can excuse it. Temp apparently could not and he watched the taller man spit back at Father Winter. He felt a little ashamed of himself. The letter he’d sent had been more of a venting exercise than anything real. Yeah, it was kind of embarrassing to know a hot guy had read his vent writing, but how was he supposed to know that? He’d assumed the letters would just get displayed in their envelopes somewhere and that’d be the end of that. No replies, no weird rendezvous.

He waited, mulling over his thoughts on the subject. It wasn’t like the guy could give him anything he wanted. “I want a date this Friday night!” he blurted out. “But, like, if that’s off the table, and you don’t really have any cool, blue, mythical pokemon up your sleeve, can you check for a purple Lapras? Preferably, one holding a 500$ gift card for me.” He called out waving at the man and putting the charm on full display. What the hell else was he supposed to ask for?

Temp had Tails so…”I’ll take Heads I guess.”


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POSTED ON Mar 7, 2022 0:18:46 GMT
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"TO PUT FEAR INTO OTHERS? POWER? AS GYM LEADER, ARE YOU NOT ALREADY CAPABLE?" Father Winter takes notes of the coin tosses and their results with discerning eyes. "A REQUEST FOR A DATE? HOW DARING. WELL THEN, WHY DON'T YOU TAKE MY HAND AS WE DISEMBARK?"


As the swirl of the portal consumes you and Father Winter, his UNOWN-D swirls around and seals the dimensional door... and manifests as an illusory Father Winter unbeknownst to the two. After some time, the portal closes behind them.

Because one of you have LOST THE COIN TOSS. Father Winter intends for you to die in this alternate dimension.



TO CONTINUE, make a post or several posts detailing your character's adventure into an alternate universe or timeline.

Below this post are prompts that you must fulfill during your post or posts. Although there is no minimum word count, please write something meaningful, whether it is a poetic drabble, a concerted narrative, or an experimental foray into storytelling.

Once you are done, TAG SHIV in #wintry-wagers on Discord or on Proboards. Afterward, will post a small follow up to end your thread.

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POSTED ON Mar 7, 2022 0:19:16 GMT
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[attr="class","hoennstarconstellation"]TEMP & MINT








[attr="class","hoennstardesc"]You are both sent to a stretch of islands in alternate past Hoenn (200 years ago). Here, piracy is rampant. They ransack fishing boats, villages, and more. These pirates threaten your vacation in this alternate world— and possess many treasures.

As you handle these pirates, you may pilfer two mysterious eggs. You may also play with the idea of a Kyogre interrupting the battlefield before it flees.

[attr="class","hoennstartask"]RETRIEVE MYSTERIOUS BLUE EGGS.



[attr="class","hoennstartitle"]ALPHABET ORIENTEERING

[attr="class","hoennstardesc"]Navigating an alternate universe is jarring. Using your own Unown or benevolent Unown, find a way back to your original universe.

[attr="class","hoennstartask"]USE & BOLD 3 WORDS FROM THE UNOWN REPORT.



[attr="class","hoennstartitle"]SHINY DISCOVERY

[attr="class","hoennstardesc"]During your travels in this alternate land, the dimensional disruption will allow one of their Pokemon to become shiny. Mint may befriend a Shiny gachapon Lapras during his stay in this alternate realm.

[attr="class","hoennstartask"]RECEIVE SHINY SWAP + SHINY LAPRAS.



[attr="class","hoennstartitle"]DATE WITH DADDY

[attr="class","hoennstardesc"]When Father Winter crosses the threshold with you, he replaces himself with an alternate version of himself. Manifested by his Unown-D, this illusory Father Winter seems incredibly real, is tangible, and more.[break][break]

This Father Winter will take this interdimensional experience as a date with Mint and be wooed by him before dispersing when Temp and Mint find out they are intended to die/remain stuck in this realm. Feel free to fade to black.

[attr="class","hoennstartask"]PLAY WITH FATHER WINTER.



[attr="class","hoennstartitle"]DOUBLE TROUBLE

[attr="class","hoennstardesc"]Although you may not recognize this land or its people— there is no mistaking your own face or the face of a past lover. Encounter an alternate ancestor of Mint, Temp, or anyone else they may know in the original world. They may be benevolent or hostile.

[attr="class","hoennstartask"]ENCOUNTER AN ALTERNATE ANCESTOR SELF / OTHER.






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writing 600 words to be edgy for no reason (WW)
POSTED ON Apr 3, 2022 0:17:19 GMT
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The blush that bloomed on Mint's cheeks could've been seen from space. One of the most successful, and only times, he'd ever asked anyone out. Oh yes. Oh fuck yes. Grab that goddamn hand. There isn't any hesitation, and any skill in judging character is thrown by the way side as seafoam green eyes are glued to one man. He's held close, Father Winter's fingers intertwining with his own as he's led through the portal.

The scenery is foreign, and it took him a little bit to figure out where they were again. Still Hoenn, clearly, as they walked out of the cave together but buildings, modern buildings, were missing replaced by mostly wooden structures. That's mildly distressing, but when Mint is about to bring it up his companion quietly distracts him, taking him by the hand for a clichéd romantic walk on the beach.

The events that follow are much like a dream, but Mint is convinced it's real. He doesn't see the strangeness of the dream, doesn't recognize it like the Soiree. He's captivated, and that's all that matters. Yearning pours forth through small glances, lingering touches, and excited laughs. Conversation is natural, and while Mint stuttered through it in the beginning, he's coaxed eventually into something more fluid and natural.

Mint floats through dinner with ease, barely remembering what he even ate. He can't concern himself with that. He wouldn't let himself do anything that could upset this perfect moment, a part of him fearing the shattering of a dream once more.

But any nerves are quickly forgotten when a gentle hand cupped his face and tilted his head up. Any sort of intelligent thought is gone when he felt lips on his. Soft at first, almost shy, but quick to prod further and further when Mint didn't pull away. A kiss turns into two, and he gets bolder. Mint fell gently on the sandy bank, gasping quietly as he felt hands move under his clothes before his lips captured again.

Too far gone to even think about protesting or finding some cover Mint felt his legs spread and then-

"TEMP?!" The horrified scream that ripped out of his throat as he caught sight of the gym leader, upside down, still laying on sand. With that, the illusion is shattered. Daddy Winter is gone, and Mint is left frozen in confused terror. It takes entirely too long for him to move again, practically dying from shock. And then, he scrambled to cover up his indecency, tears of frustration and humiliation brimming under a curtain of blue bangs.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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writing 600 words to be edgy for no reason (WW)
POSTED ON Apr 13, 2022 21:59:52 GMT
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passes through the portal like a lovestruck teen. Temp huffs and crosses his arms. He went to follow... but hesitated. The portal that stared back at him made his skin crawl. It felt unnatural and warped. It reminded him of stories about monsters and evil from when he was a child, told to keep him and his sister from trouble.

He determines to wait for Mint to come out.

And he waits. And waits. And waits some more.

In the end, guilt wins out.

Temp crashes through the portal and onto unfamiliar sand.

The moon is rising high in the sky by now. It looks... almost like Dewford. Almost like the path up to Granite cave but not enough to be familiar. The lights from the town are dimmed as if just fires in the distance.

Movement down the beach.


What was that guy-

Temp tears down the sand as fast as his feet can carry him, kicking up sand. He's gritting his teeth and determined to tackle this Winter asshole, take him down, but the guy vanishes and Temp is left a bull charging at nothing. He skids to a halt next to Mint and kneels down quick.

"Are you okay?!" He doesn't seem bothered by Mint's nudity, only worried, and tears off his own shirt to give the other. So he could hide himself. "Did he...? I'll fucking kill him for you."
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writing 600 words to be edgy for no reason (WW)
POSTED ON Apr 14, 2022 0:11:18 GMT
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IS this what it was like to get caught fooling around by your parents? He felt so ashamed- and what for? He hadn't even gotten to do anything yet. As soon as he saw him, Temp had made it to his side. He sounded angry- worried too and Mint sniffed hard and tried to wipe his face. "I-I'm fine!" He said, covering up while reaching for his clothes to shake the sand out.

He swallowed, face beet red before adding "NO! No, no, no it's fine!" One of his hands reached to grabs at Temp's arms trying to pull attention back to him despite being a bit of a blue balled mess right now. "I-I'm ok! I'm sorry- I lost track of time and- and-" Pale green eyes darted around once more. The only signs of life on the beach were him and Temp. "I...I don't think he was ever here." He sounded disappointed and busied himself with getting dressed. He turned around before eventually giving back Temp's shirt to him.

"HEY! Thanks for coming. I'm sorry if I made you worry." he said finally turning to the gym leader but unable to look him in the eyes. "Anyway- we're here now!" Wherever here was. "I did...a little bit of recon but it...it's just a weird case of dejavu? Everything's like...old and stuff. Clothes are old school but cute?" He wasn't sure if that was another illusion or if they really were in the past.

That line of thought is dropped however as he heard a soft, and curious coo. There, on the shores of Dewford, illuminated by the moon above was a curious little Lapras colored strangely. Another anomaly of this place? They cooed once more as if asking a question and Mint, once again, moved before he could think it through. He slowly approached the dual type, having been hunting for one for months now. Whispering soft words of comfort and encouragement, Mint held out his hand for the Lapras who almost swam off but he managed to convince to come back. "Hello pretty baby..." he said with a grin as she allowed herself to be pet by lowering her head to Mint's hands.

"Are you alone?" he asked out loud, looking around for the pod this one might've come from. He didn't see any others around but in the distance he did catch sight of a mighty ship in the distance. "Oh-....Oh Shit- Temp? TEEEEMP?!" he said turning his head and calling for the man lie ka child.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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writing 600 words to be edgy for no reason (WW)
POSTED ON Apr 14, 2022 0:42:03 GMT
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Temp gave the chance to make himself presentable. He, also, reluctantly relaxed. His feathers were still ruffled but at least it hadn't been worse. Sighing, he pulled on his shirt and stood back up. "How do you think we get back?" He scratched his chin before flipping his phone out. Maybe he could message- Oh. Looked like there wasn't any phone signal. Or internet. Or... anything.


Meanwhile, it looked like Mint had made a friend. Putting his phone away, he walked over to his friend.

"I have a Lapras like that. This color means they're a little more-" He trailed off from his autism rambling to stare off into the direction that Mint had pointed. The ship was massive. It reminded him of his other's old ship only much, much older. It was like something in the ship graveyard where the Dhelmise spawned. Mighty and massive.

"That's a...." A flash like an explosion, the settlement a ways away coming under cannon fire. The noise clapped like thunder in the silence. "A pirate ship?! I-" Out of habit, Temp sprung forward. "They-! Mint, we have to help!"
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writing 600 words to be edgy for no reason (WW)
POSTED ON Apr 14, 2022 1:59:27 GMT
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He's surprised but intrigued that Temp had a similar pokemon. But she's still special to him. She was pretty friendly, but he'd heard Lapras tended to be very open to humans approaching them. More so than other pokemon species. Before he can ask what's wrong, the ship fired off a blast at the town. Fire and screams erupted instantly.

Mint's immediate reaction was to bail, looking at the Lapras and about to vocalize as much when his friend takes off. "Hey! Temp?!" He's not nearly as brave, but he can't just let his friend fucking die! The Lapras is quick to yank him by the shirt as the other man sprinted down the shoreline. She more or less shoved him as her back and he agreed. "Uhh?! Ok I guess?!" he said before the Lapras burst forward in the shallow waters with a burst of speed. They caught up with Temp in no time. "So what's your plan?! This is kinda crazy!" he yelled his hands trembling as he held onto the surfing pokemon.

There's more canon blasts and even sparkles of different attacks- pokemon ones. The ship is parked close to shore and the barrage isn't stopping. He can see townsfolk screaming and running, while others stepping towards the shore lien to fight. They were about to get into a blood bath. He can see the portholes opening for the canons and he patted the Lapras' neck quickly. "Do you know Ice Beam?! I need to you fucking blast that at the windows."

They cooed worriedly before obeying, letting off a blast of cold and ice. One canon lets off a blast before the attack made it, the other two implode shooting after the ice blocked the openings. It's not bad, smoke pouring out through breaks in the hull. But its not enough. Now they knew they were here. "Shit- shit- shit-" he hissed as some of the pokemon under the pirate command turned their collectivE gazes at the interlopers. Some pirates even cut away form the group raiding the shore to intercept them. ThE rest seemed to move towards a weird building placed on top of a random patch of rock. It's dark blue, and only blue, decorated with what looked like wooden carvings of fish pokemon and seashells. Like something stuck underwater.

"They're coming!"

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writing 600 words to be edgy for no reason (WW)
POSTED ON Apr 16, 2022 13:13:15 GMT
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stops the cannon fire which is a small blessing. But the settlement is still in danger. As long as that ship is there, they won't be safe. What to do, what to do...

Ugh! His pokemon! Duh!

Temp grabs for one of his most reliable pokemon and is thankful that his pokeballs still work. His Sharpedo, his Gym Ace, hits the water. She growls and tenses.

"Marina, destroy the ship!"

The Sharpedo grunt before diving under the water, only her fin sticking out. Temp takes a deep breath and taps at one of the bracelets on his arm- which was barely hiding his Mega Stone Thingie. Marina shoots off like a rocket in the water as her body glows- now in her Mega Form. She slams into the ship, sharp fangs easily splintering the wood. That thing would be sunk soon enough.

But that didn't help with the pirates already in their way.

"Mint! I think they're going towards that weird shrine!" Another pokeball is gripped in his clutches, one that Temp is more reluctant to use. Raising his fists, Temp is ready to beat the shit out of some pirates to get his way.
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peppermint, micha
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writing 600 words to be edgy for no reason (WW)
POSTED ON Apr 16, 2022 23:45:16 GMT
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Chaos is upon them and Mint doesn't remember the last time he was in a situation like this. Probably the Groudon thing back in the middle of summer. That'd been bad enough avoiding fire and magma. This? This wasn't as deadly as that, for now, but still terrifying. Hulking pirates and pokemon raced down the sand while another half of the rampaging group did battle with a group of people from the village. The sound of swords clanging and people screaming ( in pain, in rage? ) is incredibly distracting.

Things get even worse as Mint scrambled for a pokeball letting out Shellshocker who despite all the frantic noise is sleepy as always. Fuck playing fair they were about to die. As much would be seen by the loud cursing of a colorful woman with tattoos on her arm. A glance and she'd gotten sliced in the shoulder before quickly shoving someone back and pushing a spear through their stomach. It's gruesome. Mint felt sick. The Blastoise immediately takes control of the situation letting out a yawn before the skies darkened and thunder rumbled ominously. Sheets of water began to pour down on the beach. It helped put out some of the closer fires at least.

As Marina rampaged on the ship a flash of blue swings through and tail slaps the mega evolved pokemon back, unleashing an ear piercing roar. It's followed by the captain of the ship, standing on the edge and glaring down at the resistance he was facing. THUNDER strikes down simultaneously around the battlefield targeting multiple moving enemies: Marina, the warrior resistance, civilians. There's an ominous cry that calls out, as a long pink dragon snaked its way through the sky before coming to rest protectively around her partner.

mint's ancestor: bubblegum mint aka havelock wade, future ye olde hoenn tyrant of the seas

A short, pink haired man glowered down at the scene before him. His damaged ship, the split forces, the two interlopers on another almost valuable but not quite water pokemon. Eyes like green sea glass displayed in full a cold and dangerous fury and soft features twisted in a cruel grin. "Who DARES attack The Blind Siren?" His eyes dart around before settling on Mint and there's a pause, and snicker. "Caspian is that you? Are you proud of your LATEST tantrum?" he asked as the Gyarados let out another roar at Temp's Mega Sharpedo, glowing with a strange light. "DO NOT EXPECT KINDNESS FROM ME BROTHER. MY AMBITION WILL NOT BE STIFFLED." A hand held up pink bangs revealing an eyepatch with a peculiar stone embedded into it. It began to glow, and the Gyarados did as well before growing in size.

"Rend them to pieces, leave no survivors, and secure King's children!" He called out as his Mega Gyarados glowed with power and summoned HURRICANE to the battle field, splintering part of the blue shrine asunder before moving to the village behind it. Likewise the pink Dragonair took off blasting THUNDER on any stragglers of the village. The pirate captain then quietly pulled out his cutlass, hopped into a row boat, cut the rope and dropped to the water ready to enter the battle. Now, it's personal.

Mint's petrified, and his instinct kicks in as he began to sweat in cold terror. "We gotta go- We GOTTA GO!" he says getting a pokeball out and taping the Lapras with it. It shook twice before stabilizing and Mint sighed in releif. He didn't have time for a feisty pokemon battle right now. "Shellshocker, PROTECT! Make a wall while we run for it!" He ordered, already scrambling towards the shrine after Temp. It was too late to grab him and head back towards the cave anyway. Godamnit.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Apr 17, 2022 12:46:34 GMT
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Thunder crashed and Marina let out a pained gurgling as she was hit- not just by the Thunder but also the gnashing attacks from the Gyarados. "Marina!" Temp stopped long enough to grit his teeth, make sure his pokemon was okay.

Sure enough, she rose from the water again, undetected. Wounded, sure, but still ready to fight. Temp made a relieved noise. "Show them what you can do!" He wasn't really sure if, from this far away, that Marina could even hear him. Either way, she still did what he wanted-

The Sharknado.

Marina glowed with Z-Move energy. The already choppy water that was rough from the storm grew worse- until it turned into a massive whirlpool that rose from the water like a tornado. A water spout. With Marina as the driver. She pushed the water spout forward, chomping at whatever got too close- be it those other pokemon, the ship, or even the shore. Which was what Marina was heading right for- towards Temp, back to her Trainer.

Temp got to the steps and found a spear at his neck.

A woman was there, brightly colored and a warrior- Temp knew that because he knew her outfit. This woman Hoyeon. She was like him. There was murder in her eyes but she stopped.

She glanced down at Temp's arm, confused.

Then Temp happened to glance down at hers.

The same tattoos. His lineage tattoo. The same one his father had, that his grandmother had had, that her mother had had, and so on. A milotic in chunky black that curled around his arm. The woman seemed just as confused as he did- slowly lowering her weapon.

The moment was ruined by another crash of Thunder nearby. Marina hit the sands next to him, flopping uselessly out of the water, her attack over. Temp sucked in a breath and called her back to a pokeball.

The woman spoke and he had no idea what she was saying.

But she grabbed his arm and hauled him with surprising strength towards the shrine that the last of the warriors were huddled around. Two blue eggs lay in the middle, which were hastily picked up by the woman. She was arguing with one of the men there as she shoved the eggs in his arms.

Then she pushed him away, pointed for the treeline that was farther from the coast.

Temp only hesitated for a moment before nodding, taking off.

But he wouldn't leave .

"Mint! Mint!" He was careful to run with the two eggs. "We have to get out of here!"

In the distance, at the treeline, flickers of psychic energy. Unown, drawn by the distortion in time and space, flickered in and out of existence. Watching. Waiting.
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peppermint, micha
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POSTED ON Apr 20, 2022 0:29:57 GMT
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Havelock is not one to let himself be stupefied often- but SHARKNADO does it. Not moments after the pink pirate captain managed to land on the shores, eyes on the chieftain as his main target, the SHARKNADO goes WILD almost as if battling his own pokemon's HURRICANEs for dominance like giant sky beyblades let it rip. Unfortunately, the poor Dragonair is mournfully pulled in and slammed into the beach, skidding to a halt in the sand about a 1 hundred feet away or so. Crewmates were sucked in and launched all around. The captain and the remainder of his fighting crew is forced to take shelter while under the cover of this chaos Mint and Temp received strange blue eggs.

"Oh- holy shit?" Mint blurted as he stared at the matching arm sleeves. He'd figured they were similar but up closed the resemblance really hit, and he found himself staring at Temp and then back at the Chieftain. For his part however, villagers glared at him noting the same pale green eyes as their enemy. They argue with their chieftain, and for a moment when one reached to grab at him, Mint moved closer into Temp to avoid getting yanked by the violent crowd.

Time's up when Marina is back, her energy expended. His eyes are on the village's leader and Temp, trying to stay attached to his hip. "IS- Is this what that pirate was talking about?!" he asked Temp, uselessly as the gym leader did his best to secure the eggs. They had no idea what's going on. They were about to get murked how many centuries ago? When Temp runs, Mint sprints as fast as possible under him, Shellshocker growling as any warriors still thinking about keeping him around. When Mint cleared enough distance despite the screaming and the pokemon above him, he recalled Shellshocker.

"Right there with you just be careful!" he shouted back over the rain and thunder and roaring of angry pokemon and pirates. "Is that- IS that a mirage?!" As they closed in, something like- something lie ka tea seemed to pull at the area. The battle rages on, but it felt like a new danger here. "You think- th- this might be it? A way back?" he was thinking out loud at this point but someone is quick to answer. A strange little psychic pokemon bumbled out of the tear. wriggling through the skinny exit and popping out before lazily floating over. "An X?....X MARKS THE SPOT!!" He shouted pointing at the Unown X with a grin. "C'mere you little bastard. Where's the door? Where's the way out buddy?" He said, manic that the ending of this NIGHTMARE was in sight. The Unown seemed to hummm for a moment, as if considering it before letting out a high pitched noise and floating back to the TEMPORAL tear. It began to glow with energy and the strange mirage seemed to twist and pull open.

The Unown then floated back to them spinning around Mint's head like a beacon. Mint would chose to believe they were on the same WAVELENGTH and this was the way out. "Watch your step Temp!" he said as he moved through. Though he only had to take a few steps before his body is virtually sucked into the vortex and then the air feels thin and then- black out. He woke up sore and cold on the floor of the cave in front of the mural. Daddy is nowhere in sight. Panic overtook him and he began wheezing and coughing before seeing a lump in the darkness. "T-Temp?!" he asked still trying to get his bearings.


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may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,157 posts
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TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
writing 600 words to be edgy for no reason (WW)
POSTED ON Apr 20, 2022 2:05:50 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar
The war between Havelock and Temp's ancestor would wage onwards. For now, Temp's feet stomped against the flat of the sand. The Unown blipped in and out, something like a wormhole ripping into space as they did.

"No idea, dude!" He was almost out of breath and had to yell over the whipping winds of the still clashing hurricanes and waters. Yelling followed them; be it stray pirates or even warriors after he didn't know. Temp wasn't about to look around and find out. "You go ahead! I trust it more than this!" The egg in his care was passed over to Mint carefully as he tried to skid to a halt. Even if it just meant sparing Mint an extra moment or two to escape.

Temp watched Mint step through the portal and felt something crack against his back. He lost his balance- Gravity failed him and he fell forward, through the portal. And out of further harm's way.

He groans softly. The hit had knocked him out. It's only Mint's worry that rouses him.

He sucks in a sharp breath through his teeth, head throbbing as a headache sets in.

"Are you okay?" He groans and pushes himself up, lightly, reaching out to his friend as if to check him over. Temp blinked and tried to squint in the darkness, take in the room. Were they... back?
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October 13
808 height
808 height
41,606 posts
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TAG WITH @shiv
writing 600 words to be edgy for no reason (WW)
POSTED ON May 1, 2022 21:35:53 GMT
shiv Avatar


YOU RETURN TO THE QUIET OF GRANITE CAVE. "Father Winter" and his Unown-D is nowhere to be seen. At first, you wonder if you're truly home.

But the shrill cries of Zubat echo in the darkness. The periodic thud of a Nosepass' slow ambling steps punctuate shrouded cavern tunnels and paths reassure you in their eerie rhythms, that you are indeed where you need to be. Your home. Your own dimension.

Will you fight to protect it?



The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing